Tuesday, March 15, 2011

it's still real life

So I was thinking today.

My life is truly wonderful and I love it and love expressing how much I love it... But I don't want to make it sound like (through blogs, fb, personal conversations, etc.) like I just up and move wherever I want and then life is perfect.

People tell me a lot that they're jealous of what I'm doing (traveling, etc.). Honestly, there's no need for that. The world is what you make of it.

Sidebar... I think one reason that this experience is so special to me is that Bart and I just completely made it happen on our own. We knew we wanted to be together, were fortunate enough to be in a position to make something happen (I was willing and able to move -- no school, job, etc. keeping me somewhere else), and then we made it happen. We both worked really, really, hard the few months that I was in Texas and it was exhausting. It was also really hard to be so far apart for so long. Honestly I wouldn't have been able to work so hard in Texas and make things happen without my incredible family and friends. (That goes for any time in my life, but especialy this time.) Anyway, this isn't the point of this stream of consiousness... But it's something that I think a lot about as well. Bart and I saw what we wanted and WE made it happen. That makes this all the more special and meaningful.

But like I said, that wasn't my point. My point (or at least what I was thinking about today) is that I don't want to create the impression that my life here (or anywhere) is perfect. It isn't. I get frustrated that I don't understand Dutch. I get terrified when I'm almost killed in BIKE TRAFFIC (on a regular basis). It actually took an entire month of living together for Bart and I to really irritate each other, but it happened, and it will happen again. Even living overseas you have to wash dishes every day. (I'm so over it.) We still have to work hard.

And I love it. All these imperfections are what make the wonderful things so wonderful. I love that I can clean our entire house in half an hour. I love that there are challenges. If life were perfect, it couldn't get any better.

Life here is wonderful. I just had to stop for a reality check, I guess, and make sure that I'm not painting an unrealistic picture of my life. We still have hard things in our lives. (Wherever you go, there you are.) But I do stay positive and realize that we are SO happy and fortunate to be together. After all, happiness is a state of mind.

Anyway I'm finished rambling. I just wanted to acknowledge that life is NOT perfect. But it IS wonderful. I hope that all made sense.


1 comment:

  1. Very well put! My life is wonderful but far from perfect as well. If it were perfect...we wouldn't really know how wonderful it is because we'd have nothing to compare it to. (or something like that...)
    Love you!
    Hi to Bart!
